Making Offers Compelling and Effective

Leaflet distribution campaigns align all the very basic elements of advertising and marketing including:-

This article looks more at the hook of your leaflet distribution campaigns and specifically provides some guidance as how to make leaflet distribution offers compelling and effective.

Do Your Maths

Depending on your service offering and potentially some seasonality – look at your margins and determine how much you can afford to discount or offer. A 10% discount or offer is unlikely to draw eyes as this is a fairly standard and non-influencing discount. Everyone loves a whopping 50% that is prominent within your leaflet design and this level of offer is likely to convert at much higher rates.

If you are a service provider or in the trades, you will know your seasonal peaks and troughs in terms of the demand for your service. Factor in quieter periods when you can afford to offer discounts and for retailers with products to sell, support sales and end of season discounts with leaflet distribution

Use Power Words

In line with making the discount substantial enough to draw interest, make sure that your leaflet has the correct power words to support what you are promoting. Recipients not only like a hefty discount offer but will also be drawn by words that offer free or and the ever-successful buy one get one free or BOGOF offer. Words that imply a more personalised campaign will also influence engagement with your leaflet advertising and use words such as exclusive and trial  as these suggest that the offer is only accessible by a smaller group. Using these power words (and a significant cost saving) will also promote sharing of your leaflet – everyone likes to share something that helps others.

Make Offers Time Limited

One final consideration when it comes to making leaflet distribution work well is to make any offers or discounts time limited. Along with exclusivity and a substantial cost saving, limiting the window of availability helps to convert recipients into customers. Given the fact that leaflets are kept within the household for significant periods of time, make sure that the time limit is sensible but not too extended.

If at any stage you need any help from one of the UK’s leading leaflet advertising professionals, call our team on 01628 20816611 or get started on your first campaign.

Read the other articles in this guide

Previous Article:

3. How Frequently Should You Run Leaflet Campaigns

Next Article:

5. Finding the Best Target Audience for your Leaflet Advertising


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