The Power of Leafletdrop

Understandably, at Leafletdrop we’re passionate about leaflet distribution and campaigns. So much so that we’re always happy to explain the many benefits our services can have on small and large businesses. However, we realise that simply taking our word for it doesn’t cut it with everyone.

That’s why we’ve pulled together some research and official stats about door drops to back up our claims that it’s a great marketing option for many businesses. Learn about the power of Leafletdrop across individual sectors and the wider industry below.

The Impact of Door Drop

A door drop campaign is designed to cover a specific area and it is the only channel that can really provide 100% coverage. Emails, TV adverts, phone calls and social media can target every home, but they might not all be seen. With a leaflet through the door, someone has to pick it up and move it, which will generate at least a short view of the material.

Door drops can be kept for up to 38 days on average, providing the opportunity for multiple views and impressions. That’s unlike an email or social media post, which will likely be seen once and either deleted or ignored in the future.

Direct Mail

71% of people claim that they open direct mail which drops through their door.* With leaflets this will be higher, as there is no opening involved and people will have to pick them up and see them to move away from the door, even if it’s to throw them away.

There’s also a difference between high and low-quality direct mail. Research from JICMAIL showed that 73% of people read, look or glance at direct mail if it’s classed as quality content, compared to 67% for low content. There’s a big difference between those who put direct mail to one side to look at later, with 40% saying they do for high quality content but only 26% for low quality material.

Industry Stats

The impact of leaflet distribution varies depending on the sector. At Leafletdrop we did some research into the key industries our clients are based in and uncovered some useful stats that demonstrate the power a Leafletdrop campaign can have.

  • Charities: Those who receive a door drop item are 60% more likely to donate to charity. Average ROI was £1.39 for charities who used a door drop campaign in 2016.
  • Restaurants: 91% of door drop recipients remember receiving communication from restaurants and takeaways.
  • Retail: 48% of people visited a shop, asked for more information or bought a product after receiving a leaflet through the door. The average sales uplift from a door drop is 21%, with ROI high at £5.93.

On a more general scale, industry insights from research conducted into door drops has found that 92% of all door drops delivered are read. Plus, 47% of people say they find new product leaflets useful to receive, while in shared households 35% of promotional mail is passed on. While in the last four years 80% of door drop customers have made repeat purchases, as opposed to just 60% of online and TV customers.

The power of door drop is clear, so sign up to Leafletdrop to start creating your own tailored campaign today. 


DMA / TGI / Nielsen Ad Dynamix / Charities Aid Foundation / JICMAIL /  Royal Mail MarketReach